Bit slow in getting on to this thread..... but no slower than I was last Sunday!
My view has not changed, WL should race as one whole grid, as Danny says 'quickest at the front slowest at the back', always racing with the person in front & one behind and subject to nothing out of the ordinary those around you will all be within tenths of your lap time so you'll have great racing.
The split grid is crazy as quickest Clubmans are doing better times than slowest Elite drivers...
Slower Elite drivers on a good day if moved into Clubman may just deprive some young up & coming racer of a trophy and in my view that would be wrong as the whole reason why Clubman was introduced at WL was to reward up & coming drivers with a tinny!
Quick Clubmans don't want to move up mid season & it's not right for any of the current Elite drivers to move into Clubman.
So....... One grid, steady into the first corners (including you know who on 22) and we all have great racing!
.......oh yes & we won't have to have the fannying about trying to sort the dummy grid!
Just my view at from the back of the Elite but also a view shared by my son at the front(ish) of Clubman.
See you next month David Kart 41