Pool engines great idea, the paying part is easy, you enter the championship and buy an engine, problem is if you do 6 championships and who is going to look after them.
Chasis set up, We found more time buy chasis set up and brake pads along with the seat than we did with a .5hp mean more powerful engine, the only thing the engine gave was more consitance lap times.
Parants that dont listen, Now this is proberly more the point, they wont take a little advice from people and put it into practice, they just get at kids for not getting laptime, when you can see the cart handles wrong or the engine sounds cack.
The best bit of advice is if you dont know ask someone or listen to what others say to you All we ever what to see is good racing and normally the best drivers end up at the front.
You cannot beat bum in seat time and experiance unless you have a real talent or luck is on your side :)