I think new comers to the sport are great and really bring in larger grids which is great for racing.
However....I do think the profesionalisim of the 3 Sisters is not what it needs to be. Refueling/pitstops for one, its my understanding that 3 Sisters do not have a Funnel for fueling the karts, they have to borrow one off Howard or other teams. Its a £10 part for goodness sake.
How many times have teams fallen foul of the 3 sister pit staff not being prepared when pitting...causing fueling issues (no fuel some times) to just not being ready to weigh the karts when they come in.
And then you have the issue of New Teams taking part that are under weight and on different tyres. New Teams or Old Teams, Rules are Rules and they are the same for everyone...hence fair and sporting racing. The reason we all do this.
Personally I think 3 sisters has a great track which I really enjoy racing on, but at times the staff or profesionalisim as to how 3 sisters treats us Owner Drivers is not what it should be. I have only raced at GYG twice and the difference in how the sport/day is run is amazing.
Please 3 sisters, get your act together! Little differences all add up.
Paul B