I dont recall asking a single question, so dont need any answers. Simple fact is everyone else can be bothered to turn up and follow the rules, why cant you. The weight limit is there for a reason and just becuase its your first race doesnt mean you can ignore it, i cant speak directly for them, but i'll think you'll find the other drivers will agree with me on this one. I've had plenty of crashes and bumps at 3 sisters and i've no pride to polish. However i will take excpetion to being hit by a kart on sticky tyres or hugely underweight. In this kind of situation there is usually a speed differential and it makes a difference. It doesnt matter whether you turn up to race for fun or to win, stick to the rules, and there is no excuse for not following them no matter how badly you try and justify it. The people who race three sisters are a friendly bunch and open their arms to new competitors and will offer help and advice but they will take exception to blatant disregard of the rules of a relaxed and mainly self policed series.