Re: One person (now a self professed expert on the subject) admitted to not actually putting any oil in his to cause his failure!!
One failure caused by an idiot wouldn't be a problem.
There hasn't just been one failure caused by an idiot.
I don't think tweaker and Steve can be considered amateurs and they lost 7 in a year. And have the other dozen and more I know about also been as careless?
There are only really two choices here:
1). World Formula only attracts sub-normal morons who can't look after an engine.
2). There was a problem with the design of the engines.
You choose.
Pretending there has not been a problem when there so obviously has does nobody any good. World Formula could have been the best thing to come to karting for many years - promising cheap high performance karting. But because of the low quality of the early engines it has probably driven more people out of karting than attracted new people in.
If it is true that the engine problems are now sorted on newer engines perhaps some sort of re-launch is in order.
But for this to happen there needs to be an admission that there WAS a design problem with the old design of the engines, and that this has now been addressed by a change in the design. Otherwise why would anyone take the risk?
I was told by many people (who shall remain nameless) on the pro kart grid when I first arrived with my World Formula that the World Formula engines were fragile.
They turned out to be right. Until this view is changed by a some sort of line drawn under the OLD engines there'll always be a lack of trust in these karts.
Yours, Mike Welford