re: we have had one failure all year. another one of the lads had problems last week after having his engine rebuilt.
I can only go off what I've seen with my own eyes, and thats failure after failure after failure, with numerous difference owner drivers, so its not just one numpty going through scores of engines. For no good reason other than a bad design.
I've never seen a Honda engine go in the 2 years i've raced at warden Law - although asking around there've been a couple of failures out of twice as many karts as race in World Formula, each with two engines. So thats about 1/20th the failure rate.
Re: are the prokarts as fast as a world formula? all the ones i've came arcross have been slower.
1.2 seconds a lap slower at Warden Law. Half of that is tyres.
But whats that got to do with anything? I never said that World formula karts were worse that Pro Karts, I said the engines were rubbish quality. If the engines had been reliable we'd probably all be racing World formula's now at the budget end of karting. I have nothing against the concept or the karts when they are running well, I really enjoyed mine. As I said, World Formula was a brilliant idea, poorly implemented.
If you want outright performance get a Rotax, at at least you can tell the difference in performance without a stop watch.
People race World formula for the low cost, but its hardly Low cost if you have to keep rebuilding engines.