The addition of proper blue printing to the whole engine buy back suggestion might be worth exploring. As it is it is dead in the water, however, if the builders all produced to the best standard it would again level the field.
And no prokarting hasn't gone mad - it has always been mad and so long as there is a perceived inbalance on engines it will stay bad. 6 years ago i was offered stupid money for my bog standard engine by an engine builder because it turned out to be a special one. I bought brand new and was just lucky and I ran it until it popped (very messy). My last engine I bought for teh same money I was offered. On that basis i would suggest that there is zero inflation in prokarting engine building. there are also several builders with a good name and competition is a great way of keeping the costs down. Would only ever use RPM and I would pay a premium for teh serice I receive - is that going mad, I don't think so. The simple 2/ engines that get rebuild after 5 minutes at half teh cost of a new one still have the monopoly on that one. The advantage of the GX160 still is you don't have to pay someone a premium to take a seal off. You can do it all yourself and still be competitive - we have a choice.
And just because someone asks stupid money does not mean they will get it. And if they do then more fool the idiot that pays it.