why haven't pfi got any proper rules in place? i was scrutineered straight after heat 2! told to take my carbs off! which that ate into my service time and i had a steering problem to fix! why don't they scrutineer all the karts before the race, or if kelvin wants to do random checks visit the competitors in there service areas, i had to run across the pits to fetch appropriate tools to do the job! i think the organisers need to sit down with kelvin and another scrutineer and two or three competitors and put some proper rules and proceduers in place, espeacially on safety, jamie had a very bad accident which resulted in him being hospitalised, but the question that i ask is where is the paramedic, ambulance or st johns at the circuit? and when i spoke to kelvin he did'nt know either, not that it's his fault, its seriously made me think weather or not i want to carry on racing at pfi! its badly organised never runs smooth or on time, and we pay just as much if not more than at other circuits, also glad i didn't turn up saturday eveing for practice! because guess what there was a corporate event on! how many times has that happened?