Ok, Alanrr, I'll accept much of what you say. Especially that retailers (not just in karting) don't always help. But, in the example of the bambino carb, the consumer is stuck in the middle. The manufacturer will rightly claim, it's not being used for its intended purpose (a strimmer or whatever) and the rules state you have to use that carb etc. Back when we were involved in bambino it was the curse of the class and Some weekends, out of a grid of 20-30, you'd find 4 of 5 broken carb's, some would break withing weeks of being new and I can't remember one person ever getting a replacement under warranty. My point about the coils and cord pull on the Iame cadet, was that these were identified very early after the engine's introduction and uprated components produced. Whilst the pull cord, could be passed off as an inline change to improve the product, the coil, for most people was a "must change", as (rightly or wrongly) most people were told that as well as not being prone to "going down" the new one had a slight performance advantage. Really the "right" thing for the importer to have done should have been to say "we've identified an issue with the coil on our new engine and will replace these FOC on an exchange basis" Really, the above, are the examples I have most personal experience of and like most I'm guilty of not "pushing" that hard to exert my consumer rights because generally, we just want to get our kids up and running again. Again, that was part of my point, we've kind of been conditioned into the "that's racing" mentality.