You're stuck to a very large degree with the ultimate performance of any given carb as that's a function of venturi size/shape, jet tapers/positions/internal drillings etc. All you can do is prepare it to perform as near as possible to its optimum design spec & tailor it to the engine. If you prepare both carb types yourself to the same standard then like for like the Tryton will give better 9top end)performance, exactly as everyone's said. The tilly is smaller (I think & in all fairness better made) hence why it’s more responsive due to the higher gas speed through the smaller venturi. Personally I didn't think the Tryton was too bad at all over the years we used them. The bugs were out of them by then & most of the tricks widely known. Good clean fuel, new seats & needles (Tryton type) & (Tilly) gaskets & diaphragms when needed & they were ok for us. Certainly they needed to be set up very differently between motors so if you had a good bottom end motor it was set one way & a good top end motor needed another. Hence why you kept good carbs on their own motors. If you’re going to build them yourself Trytons are plentiful these days & parts (genuine) fairly cheap so give one a go I'd say. They’re a racing part, you can’t leave them for 3 weeks full of fuel & oil then expect them to work, and that’s a good point to start at from !