If the junior motor is within fiche I.e squish not too tight then it will be legal as a mini but if a half decent engine builder has set up the quish as a junior then you will find the quish is larger than the min allowed as juniors tend to work better with a bigger quish, but minis work best with as tight a squish as you dare go, if new piston is used or decoked you must allow for carbon build up between builds to stay legal as a tight squish mini. If you check the quish do so to the clutch or balance gear sides to avoid a bum reading due to piston rock. In summary the junior will be legal as a mini but not as good as it could be unless the quish is set tighter to the min quish limit. Silcone brake fluid does tend to go from purple to clear and then dark after a while. You might find the brakes works better with fresh silicone fluid especially when the brakes or caliper gets hot. A gradual decline in brake performance may not be noticed. The seals and even pistons are not expensive and are easy to replace.