As has been said, I think this, along with the rise of interest in IKR, has to fire a warning shot across the bows of the MSA.
More and more drivers I speak to are tired of the strictures of MSA racing and just want the trust and freedom to race each other as grown-ups with mutual respect.
I know the MSA regs and governance is designed to make things as fair as possible on track and ensure parity of equipment, but there is as much banditry in MSA racing as anywhere else, and half of it goes unchecked anyway, whilst the other half gets wriggled and bullsh*tted out of in the Clerk's office.
I know several of you chaps and none of us are "career" racers looking to break into single seaters and chase the nefarious F1 dream-I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we are motivated drivers who are passionate about our racing and want to compete in a hard-but-fair way, with respect for one another and for the rules of engagement on the track.
Do we need MSA governance to do that?
I don't think so. I think Easykart will be just fine, and will probably go from strength to strength without the MSA sitting on its face.