I find that on todays very wide track karts I struggle to see the marks on the far tyre and hold the tape at the same time steady enough to take an accurate reading.
Another way of checking the tracking is to make a simple tracking bar. This sits across the front bumper (I clamp it in place with some mole grips). It needs to be wider than your front wheels and as close to their mid height as possible. Tie pieces of fishing line to the rear bumper (again at mid tyre height) and run these forward each side tying off at the tracking bar.
Measure the width of your rear wheels (to the outside edges) and set the two pieces of line to the same width on the tracking bar ensuring they are equidistant from the centreline of the kart.
You now have two parallel lines along the length of the kart and can measure toe in/out to the front wheels. It's the same as Ian's technique but measured to the outside rather than inside.
The process can be speeded up by marking some small grooves in the tracking bar at set measurements, and by making a means of locating the bars on the centreline (slots in the bars that locate over the bumper for example).
First time can be a bit time consuming, but once you have it all assembled and are slick with it, tracking can be set in 3-4 minutes.