If you haven't corner weighted your kart to find 50/50 left to right balance a good rule of thumb is to fix your seat up against the seat stay to the brake side of the kart and add any spacers required to the engine side - pushing the seat over away from the engine to balance the weight. A battery on the chassis next to the seat helps too. You will find the measurement difference more so if you do this. Number one is to stick to the Tony Kart guide to the letter and you won't go far wrong - concentrate on the front of seat to front of chassis dim, the seat to axle will fall at what it falls based upon what height you want to run the seat - base of seat below the chassis rails as low as you dare go for tall drivers, slightly above the bottom of the chassis rail (a few sprocket thicknesses) for short drivers. Never move the seat back and froth to make it comfortable for the driver to reach the pedals / steering wheel - move those to suit the correct front to back seat position.