What did they actually think it was that 'got sucked in' ? Was it in the crankcase or (even more unlikely) in the barrel ? I presume that you are using the correct W60 plugs - they are quite short and using an incorrect, longer plug, might result in the piston hitting the end of the plug at the top of its stroke.
It could be that one of the piston rings broke or part of the bottom end of the engine failed (bearings etc) resulting in debris rattling around inside the engine. If they have fully stripped the engine, this should be evident.
If you were running the engine with an airbox on and a gauze filter, it is very unlikely that anything substantial would have got into the engine.
Furthermore, if the piston has been damaged as stated, it is surely more than likely that other damage has been done to either the barrel, head or crankcase components. This might be expensive to fix properly.
If your engine is this badly damaged, you might be better of buying a used engine that is known to work, rather than paying out large amounts of money fixing an average engine - even at this stage of your involvement.
Are you using a reputable engine builder that specialises in Comer engines ?
I would be interested to know what the final diagnosis is !