John you say I don’t believe one manufacture produces parts to better tolerances than another manufacture why? There are a whole multitude of reasons why one manufacture could produce tighter tolerance parts than the other, here a just a few simple ones. Quality of casting company used, Quality of material used, Quality of machining centre used to produce the parts, quality of tooling used on the machine, skill level of operators, workshop environment, temperature of workshop, temperature of machine coolant, quality of measuring devices to control said tolerances, attitudes of operators and inspectors, the effects of a lenient inspector and they are just s few basic ones but the biggest factor in all these is cost remember all machine shops have to be economically viable and quality versus profit has always been a major issue for all companies. Put simply it would cost too much money to get all the parts the same or even close to each other, people on here go about CNC this CNC that as if all parts produced on a CNC are correct or the same, I can 100% guarantee you they are not the same or even close to each other and whilst we are on the subject +/-0.1 mm on a machined surface is not a tight tolerance to a skilled engineer that is a country mile of a tolerance try working to + 0 – 0.0025 mm that is a tight tolerance. Even the very best manufactures in the world that make safety critical parts that could put peoples life’s at risk for aerospace, nuclear, medical industries work on a level of confidence of about 95% meaning that 5% of all the items they produce could actually be incorrect to their original design, yes companies will say they are a lot better than that with fancy parts per million figures but the fact is safety critical parts are not produced in the millions. This means that next time you take a flight on holiday there is a 5% chance something could have an inherent fault with it. This percentage is accepted as the minimum requirement for safety but also from an economical point of view as it would simply cost too much money to get everything correct. Now if that is the percentage for safety critical items what do you think it would be on a kart engine part? I would say that figure would rise to at least 15% if not more, do you really think a kart engine manufacture will scrap out a barrel at a cost to themselves if say it is 0.03mm out of tolerance to drawing no chance whatsoever, anyone who has worked in engineering will tell you the stories of oh it s only a thou out on a ten thou limit chuck it in it will be fine and this happens on a daily basis all over the world in 80% of machine shops out there. The other 20% are ones that are producing the safety critical parts we mentioned earlier. No two parts will ever be the same and whilst being produced on a budget will always have massive differences between them when doing capability studies you can find on the same machine with the same tooling etc you will find a difference from one operator to another just simply in the way they work, handle, load the machine etc.