What an awesome race meeting that turned out to be! Came second in every heat, and the final, but led all 3 heats at one point or another. Daniel Pepper went really well in the wet (although a bit adventurous at times :) ). Gareth Haynes is an absolute gentleman on track and off, and we had some terrific dices without once making contact. The one only dry heat we had, our best laps were 3 hundredths apart, and I forget the gap at the end but it was less than a kart length. Didn't get our own race in the end, so we were in among the Rotaxes throughout, and the new wets mean we can actually race them rather than follow them.
MSA TKM racing at its very best, and a very well earned trophy for Gareth. I always say I'd rather be racing than winning, and today proved it to me. Made my season!