Kezz do you still run without the restrictor saturday as this may mask any potential problems that may be starting to develop with the engine.
Horizontal is absolutely fine. What would you say your most common problem is that happens on Sunday that doesn't happen saturday?
Also do you try and find more performance on the Sunday and if so what do you do to try and gain that performance, I am mainly talking about the engine.
One interesting thing bucky mentioned was the throttle stop setting. It needs to be set on the pedal so the butterfly is 100% open without the butterfly spindle being stressed against the stop on the carb if that makes sense. If your using the stop on the carb and on the sunday and the little fella is just pushing the throttle a bit harder through adrenalin you can send the butterfly over 100% throttle by bending the stop built into the spindle and you wont achieve proper revs.
Give us a list of your most common Sunday problems.