Maybe I missed something but I really thought that IAME was the last new class to be introduced before the MSA allowed any more.
But it seems that just about anyone can get a new class in if they want to.
Every new class has its benefits and no doubt its drawbacks, those who have seen the light need to talk it up and try and get as many people as possible using it so that they will have somehwere to race their new toy.
Equal engines, nice idea, but if it becomes popular and worthwhile, then the engine builders will get interested and costs will go up.
Bigger grids, running costs will go up as you try to remain competitive with people who spend.
The winners are definitely the people introducing the new engines and classes
The losers, those who discover that having read all the hype and jumped discover its more expensive because the new class are a monopoly held by the importer who is the only one who can supply the parts
I am afraid the biggest loser will be karting, what ever happened to common sense and the cry there are too many classes.