Shell M is the best oil to use full stop, the mix you are running sounds correct. Regards the carbon build up why would you want to stop this? The carbon build up is actually what gives you performance on a cadet engine by lowering the head volume and the squish, so I would not be cleaning the top of the piston or the dome inside the cylinder head. When engine builders service your engine they will allow for the this carbon build up and the head volume and squish will be set quite large, that’s why an engine will get better after 1-2 hours of running when it comes back from an engine builder. The blow by you are talking off is nothing to worry about all IAME engines show signs of this. A stuck piston ring does not always mean a loss of power; they actually work best with the ring stuck in, but knowing how much of it to be stuck and where to be stuck is a different matter. You do have to be careful with this one as if they stick too much you will lose performance. Depending on where your running 6 hours is quite a long time we have been finding the engine will drop off after 5 hours all be it a small amount and it is still perfectly ok to use for another 5-10 hours plus but if you want to run at the sharp end then 5 hours max before re – build time.