Remove the master cylinder cap together with the plastic plate and the rubber anti foam insert. Ensure that your pedal is adjusted to allow the piston arm to return fully. Fill the cylinder with dot 4 fluid. Slowly pump the pedal to fully depressed several times, you should get pedal pressure after a few slow pumps allowing the arm to fully return with a small pause before next stroke. When you have pressure hold pressure on pedal and open the furthest bleed nipple from the inlet. When the pedal reaches the end of the stoke lock off the nipple then release the pedal. Repeat 3 or 4 times for each bleed nipple until your fluid level in the reservoir is approx 1/3rd full but ensure you do not let the fluid level so low to uncover the 2 feed holes in the bottom of the master cylinder. Re fit the cover, rubber insert first, then white plastic finally the metal cap. When the cap is in place you should have a good pedal, do not try the pedal pressure until you have re fitted the cap!