You need to get yourself down to Hooton's IndiKart racing Dean, think you then might think differently.
Start of the year there were about 12 on the grid. The way it's going by the end of this year we might be struggling to fit them all on one grid. It's like karting should be and it sounds like Shennington Clubman is the same.
What's got the IndiKart racing at Hooton so popular is the enthusiasm of Bob and the competitors, matched by the ease of entry. I can go and speak to Dave propping up the bar at the local pub, if he has the cash and wants to race then it's perfectly possible that he could be racing at the next race meeting in just over 2 weeks time. In MSA you don't get that. That's why my core belief is that MSA will have no option but to scrap the ARKS test and this stupid rule about Snell helmets, latest race suits etc. You might say and most other racers will say "well £200 to £500 is not that much in the grand scheme of things", well you know what, IT IS, and that's why the IndiKart racing is taking off.
The enthusiasm is still there Dean, you just don't see it on here and you probably won't see it at S1, in a way it's kinda gone underground. Don't get me wrong, S1 is seen as the pinnacle of TKM racing but most of the TKM racers are there for the fun of it, yes they are putting everything into it but they are having fun and with the IndiKart racing it gives them the fun and doesn't cost them the earth.
For the IndiKart racing at Hooton we have a Facebook group that was set up earlier this year. This group is regularly used by the karters at Hooton. That's where a lot of the communication between the racers now takes place. I don't know if you have been added on there yet Dean but if you want to be added or indeed anybody else (not just racers) wants adding then let me know and I'll add you.
So there you have it, a circuit that might be seeing A + B grids in TKM. Maybe the MSA and other circuits need to swallow their pride and have a look at what’s happening and maybe try and emulate Hooton’s success as at the moment it feels like the only person who is on the karters side and giving what the karters want is Bob, the owner of Hooton Park.