I dont think there is anything wrong with his first posting, other than the sentence where he wrote 'supidly' and 'ALL' on the same line, it did not indicate we are all stupid only those that have a conscious, as we all have to some extent or another. lol. The point he is making is realistic and practical and probably built on a lot of experience, we dont need to attack him for this valuable in put, just do what I do and have for 5 years now........ pick out the good stuff and beeeep! over the theatricals. A small tip regarding measurement, I peronnally would not split a millimetre unless my measuring device has a digital read out. And my break down on the '2.2 mm' would tell me that anywhere between 2.0 ~ 2.5mm would be good. Other than where you are building engines then these guys are operating in 4 or 5 digits past the point! I used to use a piece of purpose cut 16mm threaded bar for tracking with a 73.7829mm long nut on the end which was adjusted to the correct toe in/out, even this way one would struggle to split a mm....... and as the man says you could not hand on heart say after testing 'hmmmmmm Dad you got the tracking wrong by 0.002, I could feel it!" grounds for a thick ear wot?