I have one carb which has been set up by a professional whom I have trusted to give me the best equipment he can whilst staying within the rules. By the way mine passed.
If a driver has his equipment checked by a scrutineer who is checking it to some unofficial measurements which have been published on a website forum, supposedly backed off by the class scrutineer but not issued by the class promoter on any official memo, where does he stand if its declared illegal. He would have 3 options, pay for a protest, accept the ruling and borrow a carb, or go home. No matter which one he chooses, his day will be spoiled
I asked about the PME calibration certificates because you here of people getting away with discrepancies after they have asked to see the ceftificate.
So can anyone tell me what the MSA guidelines to the scutineers are regarding measuring equipment and also if the class promoter does not issue a fische for the equipment what are we suppose to check it against.
Where does the ABKC stand on this. It may seem unfair to expect the scrutineer to pay to have his equipment calibrated, on the other hand, each competitor pays a lot of money for his days racing.