You lot are an absolute disgrace, no wonder this forum is dead.
Why o why can't dick and martin, or whoever owns this site now update it to a more modern format where rambling arguing idiots like you can be easily reported, your useless posts removed by a team of moderators and your accounts suspended.
Back to the point having used BOTH.............
I've used the old Alfano pen/software. It's ok, its simple and it'll give you things like which rev ranges you are spending the most time in. Its not the most amazing thing in the world though and take a bit of intepretation. Hilts if your ever at wigan, give me a shout ill bring mine and you can try it.
Its not really a patch on the mychron though, but you can easily get lost in the amount of data if you dont know where to look or what it means. Plus the mychron is expensive (in comparison) once you start going down the expansion box route and extra sensors.
Horses for courses really.
They both mostly only show what you already know/feel/see. Looking at the data is good for comparison purposes though and more accurately quantifying any differences.