If the travel distance is the deciding factor then you'll have to go for D-Max.
But if you can get around the travelling issue, then go for Club100 as it is the better of the 2 options.
I've done both, many years of Club100 followed by a few D-max races to compare. The reasons I would say that C100 > D-max is because:
The C100 karts are maintaned more equally. There was 1.6s a lap difference between my best and worse D-max kart over a whole day, whereas you can expect a difference of less than 0.5s across the whole C100 fleet.
C100 are direct drive. This sounds like a disadvantage to newbies, but is infact a positive thing.
The racing in C100 is cleaner and more respect is given to fellow racers. I found the D-Max races to be a complete destruction derby.