The situation with the Wall separating the track at Wombwell is reviewed regularly and at least annually at the track licencing renewal, there are a multitude of competing and conflicting factors which are considered, not least of which is the minimum width specification for MSA tracks and the fact that the grassed area on the outside of the track is not owned by the Kart club but effectively leased from the council, any permanent installation of additional barriers etc could make the usable track width narrower than allowed for the racing we do.
We take both competitors and members of the publics safety very serious and to date we have not found any solution better than the wall.
On a personal note we have been racing at Wombwell for 7 years and have never had any impact or issues with the wall and if I thought there was any risk above normal we would not race, to be honest I think the circuit is as safe if not safer than the majority of other kart circuits we have raced at.