many people will set up your carb and do a good job at that point in time. The problem you will have is running the carb: A couple of hints. 1/ Mark exactly where the carb was set up so you can always go back to a baseline. 2/ Remember the jets are sprung loaded, so when turning go past the point you want to set them to, and then go back. Otherwise the jet will return an amount when on the track (vibrations). 3/ Record the changes carefully on every outing. Soon you will build a picture of the effects of a jet adjustment. 4/ Make a tool to measure the jet positions (Drill a piece of plastic or metal with two holes (jet diameter) 20mm apart. Cut the plate in half going through the two holes. Scribe angles on one piece. To measure, put the scribed piece of the plate over the jets and the other flat up against the jet 'handle').