Nicky, appologies for the typo with your name I was using a hand held devise previously and my fingers are not compatable with the small keypad. (Even to the extent my first reply was lost on hitting a wrong key) On the sunday a lot of people were talking about the incident, red flag, ambulance called onto the track and the wellbeing of the driver hurt. I made the post with the best of intentions letting others know what I had been told.The incident on track was classed as a racing incident with no actions but the behaviour of the drivers in parcferme had been dealth with by imposing a ban. It wasn't clarified whether the ban came from the MSA or the track owners, your post above makes clear the proticol on who can and can't issue judgments at a MSA run event. Still leaves me wondering why the drivers dad would tell me they had a ban imposed. Out of interest if any sanctions are issued against a driver by the MSA is it followed up with written confirmation and a report of the event on the day! Paul