Correct – as Jasper says – I’ve never sold a single one.
But fair enough, if ‘logburner’ wants specifically 2-stroke and nothing but, then we were wrong to mention it. Come to think of it, burning logs and 2-stroke engines are similarly smelly affairs. However, the added information won’t hurt.
As for speeds and racing, why is it that the dodgem conditions with which SimonS may be familiar and which apparently prevail in the ‘mass’ market must necessarily be extrapolated to niche markets like gearbox and Aixro karts? Indeed, these seem to be ‘safe havens’ where drivers respect each other and their equipment. Especially also given the demographics involved, I see no reason why that should change.
Doink: Indeed, the MSA door is firmly slammed shut with no comment. But then, as has been said, it’s bias, not reason. However, being outside the MSA has numerous advantages, which can only grow in the years ahead.