John: "I find that helps a great deal when visualising the track position of the data you are examining. "
I know it does, but you can get a much more accurate picture of braking points, apex speeds, and mid-corner transitions just from the speed trace. Once you start working with that, you'll find the track map becomes less essential. It has always annoyed me, as a few good people put a lot of time and effort into making the track mapping algorithms work about 20 years back, and then once we'd got them we realised they were of pretty limited use.
If you've got accurate speed and distance, you're in a good position to figure out what works and what doesn't, as long as you've got good driver feedback. GPS isn't that great for picking lines. Even if it was accurate enough to get position of the vehicle in corners, it doesn't tell you where the edges of the track are.
Video can be good...