Quote "Regarding dry surfaces, that's been in the regs all this year"
Thats right graham, it has been in the rules all year, it was open to interpretation a year ago and it is still open to interpretation.
JAG took the time to update the rule for 2011 and they have still left holes in it.
Its not an issue as such for Super 1 as they have to use the unilogger, so cheating on the clutch is almost impossible. How many times have the S1 scrutineers asked anyone whose unilogger has not shown a fail to strip their clutch? I am asking because I dont go to S1 events, so I have no idea.
Every single meeting at our club you can guarantee that you will be asked to take your clutch apart at least once. It gets a bit wearing after a while but thats life get over it. What is annoying is that because of the way the rule can be interpreted, you have to take it apart after every heat regardless and clean the drum to make sure that there is nothing on the drum which could be classed as illegal and cause you to get disqualified.
What I find hard to accept is that the ABKC is suppose to be for the clubs and Karting not just S1. I certainly dont see the ABKC sticking up for the club racers very much. You come on the forum, you see the issues people raise, yet the wording of the rules like the clutch stay the same. Its not S1 racers who suffer, its the clubs with less qualified scrutineers trying their best to interpret the rules the same as we are.