Thank's K44ting I am but my son's only 7 however he is more than ready to race we've been practicing now for almost 15 months. The thing is we were out last weekend and my best friend 'the mouth' told my wife how much it cost's for me and my son to travel down to Shenington from Halifax for Saturday practise in the kartcoach awning we have been down 4 times now I'm being coached on different conditions chasiss setup method and theory, and Gabe on his racecraft. I am much more confident in making changes to the kart, and as for Gabe's confidence I'm lost for words.... Just need to get over the overtaking hurdle now. But my wife has hit the roof! As times are hard at the moment, but to me and my boy it's worth evey last penny because we love karting! And you can't put a price on that.
So far we have been practicing at Shenny, PF, Warden Law, wombwell, and every other week at Tockwith where to be honest their's not many that can get near him at Tockwith. But he's starting to nag now for a 'real' race.