Looking at the pictures I suspect that the legs of the guage touch the king posts and a bolt through the centre hole of the bracket on the steering column (where the track arms fit) engages in the notch at the centre point of the guage.
Which is fine if your steering column is exactly centred, though some are deliberately offset.
There are a variety of other methods, from a bolt through the plastic collar to hold the column in the same place each time (remove the bolt before driving!), a clamp that extends from a nassau panel support, a sprung bar that reaches from the seat and holds the bottom of the steering wheel, a bungy strap round and so on.
The idea is that the steering is always held in exactly the same centralised position when you set up the tracking.
If you have a spirit level and a flat topped steering wheel, you can first place the level on the kart to get a reference and then sit the level on top of the steering wheel, set it to the same reference point and provided the wheel was mounted with the wheels central to start with (a big if) you have a repeatable Zero point. Then all you have to do is stop the wheel from turning until you have set up the tracking.