Hi Marcus its a bit like saying how longs a peice of string, but these are the lap times from my boy who is a novice as well,(honda cadet) he has been on the track five times now
First ever time on the track really wet 56 second laps.
Second time really wet 52 second laps.
Third time rain showers,but was wet/damp most of the day 48 second laps.
Forth time first time on slicks track was very green he started off doing 50 second laps and gradually got down to 48 second laps.
Fith time out started off 48 seconds on wets track was wet but dried by the next session. Then went on slicks he started off doing 48 second laps for a few more sessions then managed to start doing 47 second laps in one session,then next time out went back up to 48 second laps, this was down to him getting tierd.
All this was on dry gearing as all i wanted him to do is to drive ond not worry about set up too much untill he gets with in 3 or 4 seconds off the pace then i'll start making some adjustments.
hpoe this helps Mark