Apologies for bringing up the most boring subject in Rotax again.
Looking at the Gold book, the running surfaces of your clutch must be free from lubricants. End of story. Rotax changed the bearing and introduced an O ring seal to stop the bearing grease from getting inside the drum.
Are the new bearings and o rings suppose to be fitted to the old style clutches as well. The burb on the ABKC website infers that they are for the new steel clutch and not the old one.
If the scrutineer checks an old clutch and finds there is residue on the inside of the drum what happens, should you be disqualified, how are you suppose to stop it, even if you run the bearing dry, can you 100% guarantee that no lub from the chain will get in through the holes in the drum, or are you suppose to run the chain dry as well, just in case.
I am curious to what other peoples experiences are regarding this.