ive just re posted this comment i made in an unrelated thread i hijacked
"not to bring up old MBKC issues again in this thread(well,ok i am!)but its also a bit annoying that quite a few people have been calling for a "test" of the international circuit for DD karts to see if it is viable which has never happened,in fact over the years the idea has been dismissed out of hand as unworkable and yet i hear that the pro karts actually DO on occasion manage quite succesfully to race on the international circuit?
apologies for highjacking the thread
i know the agruments for and against but to the best of my knowledge its never been tested and thats just plain annoying"
nealc - this point HAS been raised previously thoughout the 5 or so years i have been a member,im not going to get into who and where because its boring and irrelevant.lets say for the sake of argument that this is the first time the issue has ever been brought to the clubs attention,well how about it?
surely its worth someone giving it a go on a test day isnt it?
the international circuit is a truely awesome circuit and its a shame that very few people have ever had the chance to drive it in a kart.the only reason i have picked up on this subject again is after speaking to someone who has driven the international circuit on a pro kart,that strikes me as a little...unfair and i think the club should look into it.
with numbers falling everywhere(apparently)then maybe the opportunity to use this circuit to bolster numbers and give an alternative should be explored?