I'm not 100% sure but i think the guy at shennington is right,because a 2003 homolagated chassis would have been made around year 2000 and the homologation lasts 9 years,so not legal in 2010,thats the way i see it.
This is taken from the gold book which can be found here.
A1.3 Chassis. MSA homologated Cadet chassis only. The chassis must remain as homologated in all respects and may only be subject to approved modifications for safety reasons. A chassis manufacturer will be permitted to homologate one chassis model for any three year period and homologations will last for a total of three successive periods (nine years). The current homologation period for chassis and brakes commenced 1.1.2007; the next period will commence 1.1.2011. This has been delayed by one year due to the introduction of CIK Crash-Tested and Homologated bodywork. A full list of current homologated chassis is included in Appendix 1.
sorry for the bad news