Having been a committie member for some years now, i have seen HKC grow from a club that had an attude 'if you dont like it you can F##k off' to the family orintated club it is to day, you only had to look around the track on sunday to see how many mums,dads, brothers, sisters and all the rest of the family had turned up to watch the racing in that brilant sun shine!!!!!!to see how the club has grown. I know we are not perfect and we are striving to make HKC the best, but sometimes I think WHY should i carry on, my son has been the victum of 'The have a pop at the club gang'...and yet we all still turn up and try our best.... instead of having a moan why not come and join the committie, we would wellcome new blood?
before anyone starts having a further go, these are my oppinions and not those of the HKC Committie.
Gavin Hatton