I should say here that I wasn't referring to you SimonS when I was talking about the "crashing muppets" as I know you drive with your brain switched on and not do anything stupid on track unlike others (and I believe your current national ranking position reflects this fact as you are ahead of many so called "fast" drivers).
The ones who I mean are the ones who have the ability to lap quickly but have no ability to overtake cleanly which is a serious problem in Blue IMO.
A harder tyre would go a long way in solving this problem. Whilst it's nice to have the secure feeling of being able to hit all the apexes at GYG every lap, it encourages more robust dives into corners from people who don't know how to overtake. A Harder tyre would also make them more fun to drive imo and I don't neccessarly believe that a complete overhaul of restrictors will be required as the tyres will wear less than they do currently.