yeh karting is in decline, but their are strong pockets of tkm still, and the tkm die-hards really dont want things changing at all. we have spent a lot of money in the class and for wat, to allow for our equipment to become useless, redundant and worth nothing to anyone! If I have to push for the changes to be dropped then I will, end of the day I spent a hell of a lot of my money on my chassis and come the end of the year I expect to sell it, if its worth nothing to anyone then how do I partly fund my next new chassis? My girlfriend gem had a new tony kart this year at a cost of £2400, its done 3 races so far and wil probably o another 3 or 4 by the end of the year, its in perfect condition! if rules are changed and our karts are not competitive then whos going to buy her current kart, no1 with any sense, then thats one less to race tkm not one more! I am serious here, you kill the second hand market and you kill the class completely!