im after some input on how other clubs workout championship points and wanted peoples opinions.
it regards around visiting drivers who are not members so are not included in the points system.
ive been told that if there are non member drivers between you and other drivers then they are taken out of the points system and the nearest member is awarded the next place points! eg. say you finish 1st, then you have 3 drivers behind which are non members, then a club member finishing 5th, he will be awarded 2nd place and gained maybe 4/5 points more than he has earned.
surely this cant be right? as they have not earned that place and the driver finishing higher up the grid is being penalized due to the other driver/s being awarded more points than they should have?
also just to clarifiy im talking about all karts in there respective class.
what is peoples thoughts on this and is this how it is done at other clubs?