Neal, I feel its very important for MBKC to make the move to host a TKM S1 round. I would love to visit wigan with S1 and I feel if big events could be publised enough within thw community of tkm drivers with some prizes and exposure then they may come. We should talk Neal, I am happy to begin to get involved again an help out as much as I can. I want to see TKM grow again in the area and its not dead at all, Hooton has some, all that needs to be done is tap into those drivers and try to attract them. Maybe a system whereby if you have a Cheshire or Dragon kart club membership then for the rest of the year in tkm you can race twice at the reduced membership fee. The thing that worked so well with the motors tv championship was that drivers got exposure on tv, however small it may have been, kids and adults alike love to see their name where others can too, if at all possible, and cheaply then this exposure is what needs working on? Try to make MBKC the forward thinking club without it costing the club an arm and a leg. Hard yes, but I am sure it can be done.