You're on the right lines Dave, but there are a number of problems :
o The Formula TKM regs allow a ten year homologation period, so some of these older chassis would be out of homologation meaning they can't be used. Given the current state of TKM, a stupid rule in my mind.
o The older kit will need to run the current CIK pods which means bracket making and possibly some welding. I believe there are insurance reasons etc... for having these as they provide better side impact protection in the event of a crash, but again, they devalue the older karts because the cost of pods/nose cone and the messing around to get them to fit means that its more economical to buy a post 2004 chassis. Another stupid piece of legislation in my mind.
o The 100cc TKM motor can only be used in juniors and as juniors prefer the clutched ones [because of the difficulty in bump starting] direct drive 100cc motors are going for a song.
I would propose an entry level class using any chassis that's ever been homologated for TKM /2 and 100cc motors. Do it outside the MSA so you don't have the hassle of a licence etc... You could be out and running for little more than GBP100.00 plus the cost of a helmet and suit. Definitely a great entry point for karting in these credit crunch times.