Iam... so it's not rocket science but, just for "benchmark" purposes, you'll have the engine rebuilt professionally!
I can't make ends of your reply. You'd rather do your own engine but (just because you have some) you'll use some of the disposable cash you have to have it done properly? LOL
But let's leave two things aside: 1 - The Seal (for obvious reasons) 2 - Iam de Fastese, because the advice was offered to Roberto982, Iam is already Fastest on his own rebuilt engines. Given that he's asking the question in the first place Rob is showing that the correct answer to his question would be: send it off.
And the point is very subtly made by Chris in his reply although not directly: Chris has been in the sport (and 2 different formulae) for a number of years now and (it sounds to me) he still wouldn't feel confident rebuilding his own engine. How could a newcomer like Rob be advised to rebuild his own engine when he's (probably) still learning to drive/race the da*n thing.
The point I was making was that yes, many people can take an engine apart and rebuild-it, possibly even to a high standard. Would it have a chance against an engine rebuilt by the likes of SO, PC and so on? Would you be paying these guys big money if they wouldn't make a difference to the rebuild?
Is it something a beginner should be advised to undertake? You answer that question!