yes you are right in your kind and helpful word, it was not my sons word, it was me thinking it was going to be helpful to make some numbers up, but obviously it is a major event so we shall steer clear, besides his rugby team need him on Saturday, a 30kg prop!! I ask you, there must be hope for the 200kg karter ay? Never the less, we are based up at the Leeds area, and we would be interested to come down to the 2 tracks that you mentioned, it seems to me from the jungle telegraph that one needs to look long and hard for a field of WTP'S and obviously even harder for the B1's. Looking in the westerly direction it seems to be all Comer and Honda, so we inquired in the direction of where we got the kart from North East, apparently the Wtp is pretty scarce up there too, never the less it seems we have 3 clubs we can go to now..... then on the 4th Sabourth day the old karting father shall Thanks for the input. Where might I find Tatershall and Woodthorpe? does anybody have a post code, grid reference or address?