And he is very aware THAT THERE IS AN ISSUE with oiling up of these NEW clutch drums and are currently liasing with Rotax and others involved.
John stated that on the NEW STYLE METAL clutches ANY oil/lubricant that is present inside WILL HAVE NO DETRIMENTAL PERFORMANCE improvement due to metal on metal (non absorbant material, unlike the old style shoe clutch where there IS an advantage) and went on to say that it could in fact cause the engine to stall due to TOO MUCH SLIP and then biting at too higher revs !
He recommends ANY LM type grease and that the bearing MUST be lubricated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He will be liasing with Paul Klaassen, Rotax and others and will come back to me when able, he agrees that this is a very grey area that HAS TO BE sorted BEFORE the championships start !
Chris King