i explained to Paul that I ONLY lightly grease the centre bearing as per advice of both the Rotax manual and suppliers and engine builders alike, he couldn't offer and advice as to how much should be used or what type other than to say he didn't want to see it again!
Now guys, please bear in mind that we fully expect all eyes to be upon us due to our results etc...so being whiter that white is foremost in mind.
Arriving back at the awning I fully stripped the clutch, cleaned thoroughly with brake cleaner and high powered airline. Satisfied that the unit was now almost looking like new I went through the excersise of applying the bearest minimum of grease (Valvoline NLG 12) on the bearing and assembled the clutch then ran the motor for at least 30 seconds. I then fully stripped the clutch down again and inspected the rear of the drum and it was completely dry! I assembled back together again and arrived for our 2nd heat, ironically i spoke with Paul in Parc Ferme telling him what I had done and that I was going to email John Symes of the technical dept of the MSA to see if he could give any further advise of how much and what type of grease could be used, Paul stated that he would not know and that it was quite simply a case of trying to find out!
Back in parc ferme after race 2 and again the top 3 had their clutches removed for inspection.
Yet again our clutch drum had excess oil on the rear ??? Paul then simply applied the rules accordingly and due to the technical failure (wet clutch) we were excluded, both Paul and I tried to find out any information appertaining to the new style clutch to see if there were any comments on what type, how much etc should be used but non was available.
On sitting in fron of the COC I went through the whole story again to the point of producing the grease used, the COC understood both sides but correctly had to act upon the white paper set before him and asked me to wait outside. I was then called back in and was told that whilst they sympathise with the situation there was very little they could do other than exclude on the technical issue of a wet clutch BUT due to what now was becoming a possible grey area re; grease on the bearing used, a exclusion from the whole meeting was not going to happen but instead I was to bring the kart to parc ferme, clutch stripped so a scrutineer could see me build it back up and place on the grid for the final.
I went to see a collegue long in karting and explained what had occurred and he too was in disbelief, he offered me a copper lip type lubricant WHICH HE USES ON ALL CLUTCHES and we placed a minimal amount on the saide bearing.
We arrived for the final, showed the scrutineer the bearing (acceptable) built up the clutch and place it on grid position 18.
My son as in previous heats drove a blinding race and came from 18th to 3rd!
His fastest lap was lap 12 of 14!!!
His previous heats produced fastes laps in 7 of 8 IN BOTH!
His times were heat 1 43.66 heat 2 43.61 and the final at the end of the day 43.69...get the picture?
Ironically the clutches were NOT checked after the final.
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