Try the fuel pump as they are the weakest link in the chain , or maybe the pulse pump pipe , is it kinked ? Next try float heights , will vary if using the small or larger ones , look at needle valve , is it shutting off ok or not . Did you do a plug chop to confirm jetting correct ? Check small carb filter as very easy to block as its so fine . Exhaust should have a little flex movement on it so when chassis flexes the seal is not broken as this will kill a 2 stroke , look for oily residue around the exhaust manifold as proof that this is happening , you may need to use a sealant to prevent this but dont if not needed as cleaning off every time is a pain... I have seen double exhaust springs used to hold exhaust on tight but new ones that have not lost there strength may also help as again the seal is important for performance . Also look at your reed petals , they are virtually ignored most of the time so if you have not changed them then why not as they are not that expensive and will eliminate this possibility .