I agree with IanT, I'd like to see the real cost comparisions between the mainstream classes, Rotax v TKM on a like for like basis.
Of course its obvious that karting will suffer due to the economic slowdown, just as everything in life which isn't absolutely necesary, its a luxury which people will opt out of (or decide not to take up) rather than go without feeding the kids or buying their school shoes.
Answer me this though; if karting is SO expensive why does almost everyone have painted helmets and manufacturer embrodered suits at twice the price of a similar non-branded version.
Don't get me started on the teams whose awnings will all seem to "need" to be in to stand a chance and have a shed of credibility. At Shenington in November there was even one competitor who put brand new dry tyres on half way through Saturday, then used another brand new set on Sunday.
On the subject of club members being customers, I would ask who do you think pays for clubs to dispose of tyres left behind on the paddock (or hidden deep in the bins)? Whether you are a customer or a club member it has to be paid for from the clubs funds, and where does the club get its funds from? YES the members (or customers).
Does it matter whether we are members or customers, we all want to have race events to go to with other competitors to race against, so the more we can do to keep costs down then the better.